Welcome to Grace-Trinity!
We are glad that you came.
Who We Are
"There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Galatians 3:28

Anyone who is searching for a church will always look for its focus before they commit to becoming members of the church. Therefore, We want to highlight some of the basic attributes of Grace-Trinity Church.

Family-focused Church

Family is the foundation of any civilization over the centuries. Grace-Trinity, from the beginning, focused on family and children. Since God provided us young families as part of the church, the leadership of the church decided to stand with families and help them raise children in a godly way. We are blessed with committed Sunday School and Youth teachers. Sunday School and Youth meet throughout the year. Compared to any other churches of our size, Grace-Trinity has set aside a bigger budget for its Christian Education program.

We use the most updated curriculum with all the needed teaching aids. In terms of Christian Education activities, apart from the regular classes, we have children’s segment every month, children presentations in the main services, Vacation Bible School, Children’s Christmas and annual Sunday School Retreat.

We also encourage children to participate in mission. Our Sunday School children sponsor two children through World Vision and do fundraising events to send Christmas gifts to needy kids in other parts of the world.

Prayer-focused Church

Almost all of our members are very prayerful people. There are groups within the church who participate in the monthly fasting and prayer group. Others participate in tele-prayers. Some groups include people from India in their tele- prayer. Family prayers are practiced in all homes. We truly believe that a family that prays together stays together in peace and dignity.

When we gather to worship, we set aside a good portion of the time for prayer. We pray for the families of the church and families beyond the Church. We pray for the local church and we pray for the Church universal. When we pray, we commune with God.


Fellowship-focused Church

We use every opportunity to spend time in fellowship with one other. Rubbing shoulders with the saints and other fellow believers, whenever possible, is good thing to do.

There is hardly any weekend without having one fellowship or the other. Sunday Fellowship Hour is a top highlight of the church. We spend time together around the table in the fellowship hall.

Our church is blessed further with extraordinary cooks. They bring delicious food to share with the church family. While the adults converse, the children gather to play and use the playground to the maximum. Most do not leave until at least 2-3 p.m. Further, we take every other opportunity to gather: for birthdays, baby showers, housewarmings, festivals, prayer groups, and even at the point of death in a family.

Whatever the reason, we never fail to encourage one another and praise God together.

Study-focused Church

We study the Word of God diligently. There are four different Cell Group Bible Study Fellowships that meet regularly for Bible Study within a sixty- mile radius of the Church. Every group meets at least once in two weeks.

During the Lenten season all gather the church for Lenten Meditation. Periodically the whole church studies one book of the Bible for a Bible quiz. There is one member of the church who has read the Bible 125 times in its entirety. 

All our members, especially our children, are high achievers in academics. Our children do extremely well in schools. Parents work hard in their jobs and at home they work hard with their children. And we as a church support whole-heartedly both parents and children in their efforts towards achieving excellence.

We believe that no one can steal what the mind has claimed and gained and that the brain is a treasure which is not to be wasted.

Worship-focused Church

Divine worship is the heart of our church. Gathering for worship and scattering for service are the hallmarks of our church. Since our members even drive 50 to 60 miles in order to worship God together, we try hard to provide our members a good worship experience.

Our worship services are well- designed and well-planned. Pulpit is used to provide spiritual nourishment to the congregation. Our pastors who stand on the pulpit are highly educated, Christ- centered and well- informed persons who share the word of God with the congregation. The altar is used to share the body and blood of Christ.

The Praise and Worship team along with the Sanctuary Choir work hard throughout the year to enrich the worship service and provide worshippers a spirit-filled worship experience.

Mission-focused Church

The German theologian Emil Bruner once said, “Fire exists by burning and church exists by mission.” Therefore, a church without mission will perish. Since our church is comprised of many immigrant families, mission is very dear to our heart. Our church’s mission focus is equally divided into local and world missions.