Praise and Worship

Worship is the supreme and only indispensable activity of the Christian Church. It alone will endure, like the love for God which it expresses, into heaven, when all other activities of the Church will have passed away. It must therefore, even more strictly than any of the less essential doings of the Church, come under the criticism and control of the revelation on which the Church is founded. - W. Nicholls, Jacob’s Ladder: The Meaning of Worship.

Worship at Grace

At Grace-Trinity Church, we have been blessed with very talented and skillful musicians and singers who actively participate and lead worship in Sunday service and other gatherings.

As John 4:23-24(NCV) says… The time is coming when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, and that time is here already. You see, the Father too is actively seeking such people to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.

The Purpose of our Worship Team at Grace-Trinity is to magnify the greatness of God in every gathering and inspire the Church to engage with God in Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.

This we do by combining God’s Word with music and songs, thereby motivating the church to proclaim the gospel, to cherish God’s presence, and to live for God’s glory.


Our Vision is to facilitate and encourage the church to be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God by experiencing the manifest presence of the Godhead and connecting to His eternal purposes through praise and worship.


We are a team of anointed, skilled musicians and vocalists who live to glorify God with our talents and our life, because we believe that worship is not a style of music, it’s a lifestyle- a lifestyle of learning to worship to Lord in spirit and in truth. To enhance our skills, we meet for a 3-hour practice every second Saturday of the month during which we spend time practicing new songs, planning and praying for our Church and one another. We also meet every Sunday morning for rehearsals before the service starts. We are deeply grateful to our Lord for He has been faithful to our team in shaping us to live and sing in harmony with new songs and granting us the ability to arrange music for our Sunday services. 

We also thank our congregation for their responsive participation in worship and our beloved Pastor Soans for his steadfast support and encouragement.

Please join us every Sunday at 10am to worship with us.